Guwe gak tau kalo diluar Bandung atau Jawa Barat pada tau gorengan jenis "Gehu" apa nggaknya.
Jadi secara singkat "Gehu" adalah gorengan tahu yang didalemnya diisi touge (toge..deuh nulisnya gmn siyy koreksi aja yah kalo salah guys), disingkat "Gehu"
naaah gara-gara adik guwe sering banget bawain Gehu yang rasanya pedas nikmat .... akhirnya kemaren minggu guwe minta dia anter ketempat jualannya, demi mendapat foto-foto eksklusif lokasi gehu tersebut.
menurut selera guwe dan adik-adik guwe yang mencoba semua jenis Gehu pedes...memutuskan kalo Gehu ditempat inilah juaranya.
Dimana? si Gehu Pedes Jeletot ini bisa dicari di depan Alfamart Sarimanah, Sarijadi ....kalo loe pada mau nyoba gak usah khawatir tinggal naik angkot jurusan St.Hall - Sarijadi arah sarijadi ntar tinggal turun depannya Alfamart ini karena memang merupakan perhentian terakhir angkot jurusan St.Hall - Sarijadi ini....Gampang kaaan
tampak jauh gerobak Gehu Pedes Jeletot
tampak dekat gerobak Gehu ... yap Harga 1 gehunya cukup Rp.1000 sajah , besar pedes..berkeringat kalo makannya tapiii enyakkkk
tahu tahu yang siap diproses ituhhh
tahu-tahu yang udah dikasih racikan toge dan bumbu pedas....ditaruh diadonan terigu, siap buat digoreng nyam nyam nyam
Gehu - gehu yang sudah digoreng dan siap dibungkus .... waspada nikmatnya gehu pedassss
tampak dekat gerobak Gehu ... yap Harga 1 gehunya cukup Rp.1000 sajah , besar pedes..berkeringat kalo makannya tapiii enyakkkk
tahu tahu yang siap diproses ituhhh
tahu-tahu yang udah dikasih racikan toge dan bumbu pedas....ditaruh diadonan terigu, siap buat digoreng nyam nyam nyam
Gehu - gehu yang sudah digoreng dan siap dibungkus .... waspada nikmatnya gehu pedassss
The composition of the shares of issuers of Alfamart minimarket outlets has now changed. This is in line with the emergence of the name of individual investor in HC Alfamart , Jonathan Chang as the shareholder of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT).
BalasHapusAs of May 26, 2020 Jonathan Chang controlled 2,545,228,500 shares of Alfamart. The amount is equivalent to 6.13% of paid up capital and fully placed in AMRT. As a reference, as of May 20, 2020 the name Jonathan Chang has not yet appeared as an investor with a share ownership above 5%, based on data from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI).
KONTAN has not been able to confirm some information to Jonathan Chang.
So far there is no complete information about Jonathan Chang's identity and background. He is only known as a local investor whose address is in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta about Capital Alfamart
Also Read: HMSP, AMRT, MIDI, SSIA and DSNG will pay dividends after Lebaran, note the full schedule What is clear, as Jonathan Chang entered, PT Sigmantara Alfindo's ownership of AMRT shares remained unchanged.
The controlling shareholder of AMRT still controls 51.52% of Alfamart shares. Thus, it is very likely that Jonathan Chang bought up AMRT shares from the hands of investors whose minority share ownership.
Because, before he entered, Sigmantara Alfindo was the only investor in AMRT with ownership of more than 5%. Another thing, on May 26, 2020 there were no large transactions that took place on AMRT shares.
Crowded in negotiations
However, if the transaction data is withdrawn from March 24, 2020 to May 26, 2020, a large accumulation of transactions takes place in the negotiating market.
The total number of shares traded was 202,854,078 shares valued at Rp 170.5 billion. PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia was recorded as the largest brokerage broker in this period.
UBS became a broker of 115,541,500 shares crossing transactions. With an average price of Rp 822 per share, the total transaction value reaches Rp 95 billion. Also Read: Alfamartku network managers benefit trillions of rupiah in 2019
Oh yes, March 24, 2020 was used as a benchmark because on that date AMRT's share price was at its lowest point since May 25, 2018. AMRT's own share price has gone up quite recently.
From March 24, 2020 to May 28, 2020 the share price has jumped 45.60% to the level of Rp 910 per share.